I am new to Telerik components, and this is probably a question which is easy to answer ;
I have a treeview control on my page. All nodes in the tree have unique Ids. The treeview is not linked to a datasource; the nodes are static.
I need to catch a node selected event, and get the node Id. This is to be forwarded to other functions to enable functionality. It seems to me that I need to have a ActionLink on the nodes for the onSelect event to trigger. (?) I do not want to use the treeview for ActionLink style navigation, how can I catch onSelect events and simply get the Id of the node?
I am new to Telerik components, and this is probably a question which is easy to answer ;
I have a treeview control on my page. All nodes in the tree have unique Ids. The treeview is not linked to a datasource; the nodes are static.
I need to catch a node selected event, and get the node Id. This is to be forwarded to other functions to enable functionality. It seems to me that I need to have a ActionLink on the nodes for the onSelect event to trigger. (?) I do not want to use the treeview for ActionLink style navigation, how can I catch onSelect events and simply get the Id of the node?