I'm using Telerik's wpf gantt control and I'm trying to find a way to get dependant task from a specific one.
For example, given Task 2, I need to get a sort of task2.dependant which should be a list or an array with Task 3, Task 4, Task 5, etc.
(see attached screenshot)
but task's dependencies have only a .FromTask property, which in Task 2 case is Task 1
Is there an easy way than looping through ALL tasks to find the one
which depend from Task 2 and then looping for that one and so on?
For example, given Task 2, I need to get a sort of task2.dependant which should be a list or an array with Task 3, Task 4, Task 5, etc.
(see attached screenshot)
but task's dependencies have only a .FromTask property, which in Task 2 case is Task 1
// Summary:
// Represents the destination task of relation.
IGanttTask FromTask {
; }
// Summary:
// Represents the type of relation between two tasks, such as finish to start,
// start to finish, start to start, and finish to finish.
DependencyType Type {
; }
Is there an easy way than looping through ALL tasks to find the one
which depend from Task 2 and then looping for that one and so on?