i have sortabletelrik grid with 10 columns.By default telerik provides sorting option.
i need to customize the sorting facility,i mean ,say i have these two columns with colums1 and columns2. when i click on column header column1,it should not sort.This can be done by setting isortable=false in XAML.But my problem is,wen i click on column2 for sorting,it takes up the first column data for sorting which should not happen. The data of column1 should be freezed wen ever i click on sort on any column header of the grid,it has to exclude coulmn1 and den sort.
Please see the required output in the example.
Ex before sort
column1 column2
A1 Oligo 1
C1 Oligo 2
F1 Oligo 3
A2 Oligo 4
B2 Oligo 5
After sort
column1 column2
A1 Oligo 5
C1 Oligo 4
F1 Oligo 3
A2 Oligo 2
B2 Oligo 1
and one more condition is, this freezing should only happen wen sorting is clicked,not by default. Please reply ASAP.