Dear Telerik Team!
I would really like to know how to make an ajax-bound combobox reload its items with a given filter value. In the attached example I've got a editortemplate for Country1
When the Combobox gets focus, i want to reload it. I tried all this:
but ... nothing happens. The CountryLoading function is not called...
How can I make it reload ?
Malcolm Howlett
I would really like to know how to make an ajax-bound combobox reload its items with a given filter value. In the attached example I've got a editortemplate for Country1
@(Html.Kendo().ComboBoxFor(m => m)
.DataSource(ds => ds
.Read(read => read.Action("CountryLoading", "Home"))
When the Combobox gets focus, i want to reload it. I tried all this:
CommidityFocus(e, upperE, elementName) {
combobox = $(elementName).find(
// No Reload ?!
// No Reload ?!;
// No Reload ?!
but ... nothing happens. The CountryLoading function is not called...
How can I make it reload ?
Malcolm Howlett