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How to filter Report Sqldatasource in Page load event.

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gc_0620 asked on 17 Jul 2013, 08:38 PM

Using RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2013 SP2 with Reporting version = In my report I have a SQLDatasource (i.e. SQLDatasource2).

I would like to Filter that Datasource in Page load event of not inside Report NeedDataSource event.

This works in Report NeedDataSource event.
private void TestReport1_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
          //Take the Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report instance
          Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report report = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report)sender;
          string stsql = "SELECT M.ManagerID, C.FirstName + ' ' + C.LastName AS Name, E.Gender FROM  (SELECT DISTINCT ManagerID  FROM HumanResources.Employee) AS M INNER JOIN";
          stsql += " HumanResources.Employee AS E ON M.ManagerID = E.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact AS C ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID WHERE (E.Gender = N'F') ORDER BY Name";
          this.sqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = stsql;

But I would like to filter the Datasource in Page load event of I came up with this..

Protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Report1 myReports = new Report1();
            Reports.TestReport1 myReport = new Reports.TestReport1();
            string stsql = "SELECT M.ManagerID, C.FirstName + ' ' + C.LastName AS Name, E.Gender FROM  (SELECT DISTINCT ManagerID  FROM HumanResources.Employee) AS M INNER JOIN";
            stsql += " HumanResources.Employee AS E ON M.ManagerID = E.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact AS C ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID WHERE (E.Gender = N'F') ORDER BY Name";
// Need help here to filter SQLDatasource2..

Any help is appreciated. I use Ajax a lot, trying to implement Telerik Reporting along with Webforms in a new project. Thanks


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answered on 19 Jul 2013, 09:07 PM

Any suggestions?

Basically I want to fill the Report data set  as well as a Report Parameter Datasource outside the report.
I am creating the data adapter, commands, connection, and data set, filling it from outside the report
and then passing the prepared data set/table to the report.

Here is a sample code I come up with:


class Class1
    Report report1;
    public Class1()
        this.report1 = new Report1();
        this.report1.NeedDataSource += new EventHandler(this.report1_NeedDataSource);
    void report1_NeedDataSource(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        string prm1 = "P1";
        string prm2 = "P2";
        report1.DataSource = this.CreateDataSet(prm1, prm2);
      // Here I would like to populate a Report Parameter Datasource (i.e. sqlDataSource2) from below code.
         string stsql = "SELECT M.ManagerID, C.FirstName + ' ' + C.LastName AS Name,  E.Gender
                        FROM  (SELECT DISTINCT ManagerID  FROM HumanResources.Employee) AS M INNER JOIN";
        stsql += " HumanResources.Employee AS E ON M.ManagerID = E.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact AS C ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID ";
        stsql += " WHERE (E.Gender = N'F') ORDER BY Name";
    DataSet CreateDataSet(string prm1, string prm2)
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        DbDataAdapter adapter = null;
        return ds;

Thanks for any help


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answered on 19 Jul 2013, 11:39 PM
Just for clarification. The data source SQLDatatasource2 is inside Report, not in Web Page. Basically I want to update it's data source from Web Page.
Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2013, 03:33 PM

You can change the report definition datasource components as shown in the following example:

static Report GetReport()
    //Set the new datasouce to all data items
    SetDataSource(dataSource, report);
    return report;
static void SetDataSource(DataSource dataSource__1, ReportItemBase reportItemBase)
    if (reportItemBase.Items.Count < 1) {
    if (reportItemBase is Report) {
        object report = (Report)reportItemBase;
        if (report.DataSource != null) {
            report.DataSource = dataSource__1;
        foreach (var parameter in report.ReportParameters) {
            if (parameter.AvailableValues.DataSource != null) {
                parameter.AvailableValues.DataSource = dataSource__1;
    foreach (var item in reportItemBase.Items) {
        //recursively set the datasource to the items from the Items collection
        SetDataSource(dataSource__1, item);
        //Covers Crosstab, Table and List data items
        if (item is Table) {
            object table = (Table)item;
            if (table.DataSource != null) {
                table.DataSource = DataSource;
        if (item is Chart) {
            object chart = (Chart)item;
            if (chart.DataSource != null) {
                chart.DataSource = DataSource;
        if (item is SubReport) {
            object subReport = (SubReport)item;
            if (subReport.DataSource != null) {
                subReport.DataSource = DataSource;

Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q2 2013? You can get them from your account.

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