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How to encode TAB key to barcode control, font code128 ?

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Vasssek asked on 26 Mar 2013, 02:04 PM

is it possible to encode special characters like TAB key, ENTER key or CTRL+some key combination to barcode control in report, which uses font CODE128 ? I haven't found any relevant example. As far as I know, for example 3 of 9 barcode uses special character for TAB key like $I

Example can be also in Code39Extended barcode format. I've tried it, but Value = "$I" is still represented as text not TAB...

Please help me to solve this issue.

Best regards


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answered on 29 Mar 2013, 12:23 PM

The Barcode item will render successfully the TAB character as long as it is present in the char sequence. If you are setting the barcode value programatically you can use different approaches. For example:
  1. this.barcode1.Value = "10002" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "30004";
  2. this.barcode2.Value = "10002\t30004";
  3. this.barcode3.Value = "10002\u000930004";

If you want to enter the TAB character in the Expression Editor, you can do this by pressing the ALT key and typing 009 from the numeric pad. The same is applicable to the other special characters as well.

I hope this helps.

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