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how to disable builtin validation for WPF gridview

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Ano asked on 22 Jul 2011, 06:49 AM

i had a numeric column in wpf rad grid,that column can be edited also.
all the validation are done through code only.
but i had an issue,when i try to enter any characters in that column,the grid is restricting me to any other operations in that application.
if any characters enter in that column and go for next operation,our application will valiadate and dispaly a message box showing only numeric values is accepted.
but i cannot display this message since the grid is restrcting me to do any other operation.
how we can disable this builtin valiadation of wpf radgrid.
any property and any other code for disabling is avaliable or not

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2011, 07:27 AM
Hello Ano,

If you enter a string value for a numeric field, the built-in validation will be fired.  However, in this case it is not the grid that handles the validation, but the Framework.  

the Telerik team

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answered on 22 Jul 2011, 07:45 AM
iam entering the value in wpf gridview column only,then the grid restrict the users to do any other operation in that application and focus is in to that column only where we entered the character instead of numeric.if we change that character to numeric,then it works fine.

Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2011, 07:54 AM
Hi Ano,

This would be the expected behavior. As mentioned previously, the Framework handles this validation, not the RadGridView. You will get the same behavior if you enter a string value into a TextBox bound to a numeric one. 

the Telerik team

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