I need to customize a cell based on the date it represents. Neither void UpdateVisualsForCell (TKCalendar calendar, TKCalendarCell cell) nor TKCalendarCell ViewForCellOfKind (TKCalendar calendar, TKCalendarCellType cellType) allows me to do this.
Ideally I would like to override a method similar to TKCalendarEvent[] EventsForDate (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date) (something like TKCalendarCell ViewForCell (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date)). Or is there some other way to do this?
Ideally I would like to override a method similar to TKCalendarEvent[] EventsForDate (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date) (something like TKCalendarCell ViewForCell (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date)). Or is there some other way to do this?