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How to create a Style sheet for a report

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Nagesh asked on 18 Apr 2013, 12:35 PM
Hi Team,

I have a requirement where we have several tables defined in the report. And we have to apply different styles to these tables in the code behind based on some data. I referred the following links which gives an idea.

But I am not able to see a property called "Stylesheet" in the properties section of my report. I am not sure if I am missing anything.

I have attached a screen shot of where I am looking for it. Please guide me on how to actually add different stylenames at design time and access them in the code behind.


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Telerik team
answered on 23 Apr 2013, 10:49 AM
Hi Nagesh,

With external style sheets you can apply general rules to all items. This means that you will want to create those general rules and after that to use them accordingly. The style sheet is applied to the report and then all items receive the style according to the style selectors. In order to better understand the style selectors please check this help article. In your case you will need to create a style rule with the respective style name at report level and then go back to your item and set the StyleName property to the one you have created previously at report level.

For more information regarding style sheets please check this article.

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