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How to compose custom "Telerik-based" user control

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Travis asked on 24 Apr 2013, 01:15 PM

I would like to compose an aggregate user control and have it be Telerik theme-capable, etc, all those things. I am familiar with how to compose using the build-in UserControl, but is there an analog in the Telerik library? RadControl doesn't seem to be quite it, or there's no User Interface component.

Thank you...


Michael Powell

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answered on 26 Apr 2013, 06:10 PM
Any takers on this one? I could start from Control, more probably UserControl, but I don't know how theme-able that would be. Basically I want a control that captures basic view part of an editor capability: populated by RadPropertyGrid, RadGridView, and other controls that expose the model for editing purposes. In a UserControl (or RadUserControl?) that I can drop in when I need it. Is this possible?
Telerik team
answered on 29 Apr 2013, 06:30 AM
Hi Michael,

Thank you for writing.

We do not offer a "RadUserControl" in our suite set. For accomplish your scenario, you should use the standard UserControl, add the desired Rad controls to it, and apply the desired theme. To apply a theme to all controls on a UserControl, you can use the following method:
ThemeResolutionService.ApplyThemeToControlTree(this, "YourThemeName");

Alternatively, you can use the ThemeName property of each control:

I hope that you find this information useful.

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