Currently im trying on your reporting tool. I have few questions to ask.
- Type of project : web site application
- Used language : (C#)
3. OS : xp pro service pack 3
Tools/product : Telerik reporting version 2009.2 701 (Jul 1, 2009)
Web Viewer version :
i would to know how to call user defined function from mssql to be displayed in a report. Pls provide me an example/documentation regarding this issue. One more thing, im using automatic ui parameterized feature to filter data ( which prompt user input ), i want to use more than one parameter to filter data. When i just tried to add more parameter it failed to work but working well with one parameter. How to address this problem? Since im working with web application, when i want run the project thru localhost, the page is empty (no data displayed) but i could preview the report. How to solve this portion.
Thank You
Your guidance is much appreciated