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how to avoid last page break ?

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gifr asked on 12 May 2009, 04:45 PM
I have a last empty page due to the last page break and I don't know how I can avoid it.

I've a report with 2 groups and the detail :
-category group
-location group

The report should look like this:

first page
<page break>
category group title 1
location group title 1
detail 1
detail 2
<page break>
location group title 2
detail 1
detail 2
detail 3
<page break>
category group title 2
location group title 1
detail 1
detail 2
<page break>
location group title 2

If I put the page break before the header of location group, I've an unwanted page break between group title header and category title header.

If I put the page break after the footer of location group, I've an empty page at the end of the report because of the last page break.

Do you have an idea of how I could avoid this last empty page or if I can remove it ? Or maybe change my page break ?

It would be nice to have an option like "Don't page break at the end of the report".

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Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2009, 01:36 PM
Hi gifr,

There is no need for option "Don't page break at the end of the report" because we do not do this anyway. The page breaks are taken into account when the report is rendered and if there is case like the one you describe, the last page break is ignored. I've just tested this locally to make sure we've not broken this with the new release, but it works as expected and I cannot get an empty page after the report's last group footer. There must be something specific on your end, so we would appreciate it if you provide us with a sample report exhibiting the weird behavior. In fact, please do check if the empty page is not a carried over section/item from previous page like explained in this KB article first.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 21 May 2009, 04:08 PM
I didn't know that it was smart enough to not do the last page break.
You are right, I had an unused report footer section and it was the cause of the last page break. I set this section to not visible to solve my problem.

Thanks for the solution

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answered on 25 May 2009, 07:33 AM
the report is now displaying correctly in the web viewer (with setting the report footer section to not visible) but the generated pdf or rtf report are still containing an empty last page (it contains one more page than the report in the web viewer).

I've tried to delete the footer section but it doesn't solve the problem, I've looked at the rtf document in word if there is some empty textbox in the last page, but there is not, it's an empty last page.

Do you have an idea ?
Telerik team
answered on 25 May 2009, 08:12 AM
Hello gifr,

We can only guess what is wrong, but if the report contains the right number of pages in pdf, it should not differ in rtf. Have you tried coloring the items/section like described in the KB article I've referenced in my previous post?
If still having problems, it would be best if you zip and attach the problematic report to a support ticket, so that we can review it locally. Make sure we can run it, so that the abnormality is reproducible.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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