I have a product named "a6763". It is a cloud based product. Customers use it by placing CDN-served assets into their HTML code. My product should work in an div only. It is just like Google Map actually. Google Map never affects rest of document. I plan to use Kendo UI jQuery for windows, dropdowns, tabs etc. But Kendo UI affects rest of document.
Here is how my customers add my assets:
1) Embed the a6763's code.
<script src="https:/a6763.com/embed/kendo.js"></script><link href="https:/a6763.com/embed/kendo.bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
2) Place my embed code:
<!-- there is no kendo here -->
<div id="a6763">
<!-- my kendo UI components are here -->
<div id="kendogrid"></div>
<!-- there is no kendo here -->
The problem is that; the Kendo's Javascript codes and CSS styles affect all the document. For example, if I choose Material theme in CDN assets, then all the page turns into Material. But I want to keep this theme in the above div. Same for Javascript codes: Kendo should not process outside of the above div.
UPDATE 1: To make it more clear: I need something like this for Kendo UI jQuery: https://github.com/cryptoapi/Isolate-Bootstrap-4.1-CSS-Themes
UPDATE 2: In other words, I need give Kendo a new name just like this: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.noconflict/ So that, even the document already added a different version of Kendo into document, everything is ok because my Kendo is different. No conflict.
Esref Atak
Help please...
This problem is critical for my ideals.