*** ReportProcessor.ProcessReport STARTED ***
*** ProcessReport #0 STARTED ***
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
*** ProcessReport #0 DONE in 00:00:00.2332595 ***
Exception thrown: 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.CancelProcessingException' in Telerik.Reporting.dll
*** ReportProcessor.ProcessReport DONE in 00:00:00.2631089 ***
Above you will find the most useless log a developer can receive.
Obviously something went wrong, but what!? Was it the report, the datasource, a bad conditional formatting, a mistyped column!? Why not actually THROW the exception, at least visual studios will allow me to inspect the exception, and devs should be handling exceptions anyways so this isnt really doing anyone any favors. But this, the way it is now, im on a wild goose chase trying to figure this one out. What can i possibly do to help me pinpoint the exact issue!?
Imagine you asked me for a log and the above was all i was able to produce, you wouldnt know where to begin looking would you?