I am trying out the Report Server on a Windows 2012 Server instance and I think i found an issue with embedded assets inside of report.
First, using the Report Designer I created a "Summary" report (trdx) that contains a table which contains a list of invoices. One the the fields has an Action defined to "Navigate to Report". This action maps this field value to a parameter on the target report and launches an Invoice Report. This works great hosting this in an MVC application. When this report is hosted on the Report Server, this Invoice Report is not found.
Second, I tried a Choropleth Map report that i created in the report designer. This report uses a shape file, this file is also not found on the server.
The error message returned is: "An error has occurred while processing Map 'map1': The shape file D:\Applications\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\states.shp cannot be found." I tried to put these files in this folder, but this did not solve the problem.
Should this work or is this something you will support going forward? I assume that the Report Designer must change to be able to include these assists to the report or perhaps add them with some sort of URL/Server mapped path.