How can we pass a c# list/ (paged List) as report source to trdp file,calling a controller method returning the current view in core?
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jul 2019, 03:15 PM
Hi Deepak,
I noticed that you have asked the same question in a support ticket. I have answered there and will summarize my response also in this public thread for the benefit of our community :
You may use the ObjectDataSource component - create a custom class (will be the DataSource property of the ObjectDataSource component) with a public method (will be the DataMember of the component) that returns the desired List.
For design purposes in the Standalone designer, after building the custom class, you should register the assembly in its configuration file - check Configuration article section. The Standalone designer is built against the .NET Framework and can resolve .NET or .NET Standard assemblies. So the custom class should be referring any of the latter, e.g. it cannot be .NET Core project.
In your .NET Core project you may use custom data providing assembly built also against .NET Core. You should register the assembly in the configuration file of the application (e.g. appsettings.json) as explained in the JSON-based Configuration article section - assemblyReferences element.
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