Hi, I'm looking for a way to remove excess height in GridView rows. I need to display a lot of rows in as small a vertical space as possible, so ideally, I'd like to adjust the padding that seems to be present in the grid rows (or perhaps it's actually applied in the grid cells; I couldn't be sure when I ran Snoop over the GridView control). This image shows the areas I'd like to reduce, in red. I have attached styles to the GridViewCell and GridViewRow, and set the Margin and Padding to be 0, but to no avail. As I mentioned, I tried to use Snoop to determine which control was applying extra padding to the rows, but couldn't locate it. It seems like a default. I'd like to avoid explicitly setting a height for each row, but that doesn't seem to work anyway (setting the MinHeight and Height to something like 12 causes the row to be 12px high, but the content inside is cut off at the bottom, not vertically centred in the row. And setting VerticalContentAlignment on the row style doesn't work, either).
So, any help with this issue would be much appreciated.
So, any help with this issue would be much appreciated.