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Hierarchical Document Map report

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Pavan asked on 02 Apr 2012, 04:02 PM


I need to implement a Document map to a report as shown in below image fig 1.version.
As of now i am able to get First level of Hierarchy as shown in fig 2. I had used group in detail section and able to get Nos 1,2,3.. under Main. But unable to retreive "Page 1, Page 2.."  under that. 

As like in report if click on  any Nos or Page number, It should redirect to corresponding page.

Please provide a solution or a sample Example

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Apr 2012, 04:31 PM
Hi Pavan,

It seems you want to create a Table of Contents and we're not sure that a similar output can be generated with the current version of Telerik Reporting. The reason is that the TOC depends on the paging and the paging depends on the media the report is being rendered into. In short, to generate such a TOC a number of actions should be performed: paginate the report in the selected media; generate the TOC; re-paginate with the TOC added. As you can see this is quite complicated routine and requires some modifications of the reporting engine to perform this back-tracking actions.

In short, currently you have no way to know whether a certain item resides on Page 1 or Page 2 and cannot reference the pages of the report as document map nodes. You can use some kind of markers e.g. groups that separate your data by certain content and set a group as document map. You can see such implementation in the Product Catalog demo report.

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NEW in Q1'12: Telerik Report Designer (Beta) for ad-hoc report creation. Download as part of Telerik Reporting Q1 2012. For questions and feedback, use the new Telerik Report Designer Forum.
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