Hi there, I am getting this error when my report gets rendered:
Failed to create a 'X1' from the text 'INF'.' Line number '1' and line position '670'.
'INF' string cannot be converted to Length.
I need to know what settings on the report is causing this i.e. what function call/property setting is doing this so I can address the problem accordingly. This is happening probably because I don't have enough data points for my graph (with DateTime scale on x axis). But I need some help as to what could be causing it. Because after all, a graph with no data points should not be throwing an error anyways.
Failed to create a 'X1' from the text 'INF'.' Line number '1' and line position '670'.
'INF' string cannot be converted to Length.
I need to know what settings on the report is causing this i.e. what function call/property setting is doing this so I can address the problem accordingly. This is happening probably because I don't have enough data points for my graph (with DateTime scale on x axis). But I need some help as to what could be causing it. Because after all, a graph with no data points should not be throwing an error anyways.