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help required for report paramter

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SHEIKH asked on 14 Oct 2010, 12:23 PM
I'm new to Telerik Reporting. I've a report running alright. Now I'm trying to add a report parameter to it. I've setup a parameter but my report doesn't filter the record I can see my parameter on the report. but report data isn't affected at all. Is there any walkthrough for setting up basic parameter functionality?

e.g I have a employee table ... and I've set up a multivalued parameter for the First Name. it shows a dropdown with that data. but should it also filter my data? or do I need to add a filter further? because when I try to add a filter my parameter dropdown doesn't get any data.

Can someone plz guide me here.

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Telerik team
answered on 15 Oct 2010, 05:29 PM

What you describe in the first paragraph is exactly how Telerik Reporting operates, i.e. items like Table and SubReport or report parameters can see and use the same datasource component (see attached screenshot). Up to your other questions:
  1. Define what you mean by "ran it". If this is preview, the report should show data as expected. As for runtime, as the last line of the message says, you should copy the connectionString to your actual application configuration file (web.config for web sites and app.config for windows forms).
  2. There is not enough information to make a suggestion here. You can have numerous Data Source Components in a single report and they can be shared among separate data regions and of course they can share the same saved connectionString. Please note that the datasource are context specific i.e. you would see the fields for a certain data source component in the Data Explorer when you either click on the data source component itself or on a report item that is bound to it e.g. report, table, chart.

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answered on 16 Oct 2010, 10:29 AM
Hi Steve,
Let me rephrase my scenario. I've a employee table with lets say Code, First Name and Last Name columns. I set up a report on this table following the wizards and all that. When I preview my report I can see all the data that should be there.

Now I want to dig the report parameter functionality. So I thought of having a FirstName multivalued parameter. For that I simply defined a parameter on the report ... selected the datasource defined its "displaymember" and "valuemember" properties which in this case will be FirstName without mentioning the "value" property but "multivalue" and "visible" set to true. So when I preview my report I get a nice dropdown filled with Firstnames of employees and below I can see report with all the data.

In previewing-the problem is that the dropdown is somehow disconnected to the data in my report. I mean it always shows the same data no matter what I select from the dropdown. Can you elaborate what I missed here? How can I make this dropdown filter my report data?

It will be really great if I can see such a sample.

Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2010, 03:58 PM

Got it now - thanks for the clarification. I assume you're adding filter to the report parameter itself, which is useful only if you're using cascading parameters and a parameter depends on another parameter.
If you want to filter the report with a report parameter, you should add filter to the report like you've guessed. You can find information in the How-To: Add filtering to Report where the report parameter should be used in the expression for the value in the filter.

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