I have a Heirachy Grid where there are columns in the sub-grid that have dependencies on each other. So for I have done these as a set of Cascading DropDownLists. This is using EditorTemplates for each of the DropDownLists as they need to get their content via an Ajax Read. I am using Inline editing on the grids.
However the last item in the cascade will only ever have one value available so it would be better just to make this a non-editable/readonly column and set this when the other selections have been made.
I have looked at the following example that uses the Select event of the drop down list then sets other columns in the same grid however I don't know the grid name (highlighted). How can this work with a Heirachy grid.
function select(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"),
model = grid.dataItem(this.element.closest("tr"));
model.ProductName = "changed";
model.UnitPrice = 100;
However the last item in the cascade will only ever have one value available so it would be better just to make this a non-editable/readonly column and set this when the other selections have been made.
I have looked at the following example that uses the Select event of the drop down list then sets other columns in the same grid however I don't know the grid name (highlighted). How can this work with a Heirachy grid.
function select(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"),
model = grid.dataItem(this.element.closest("tr"));
model.ProductName = "changed";
model.UnitPrice = 100;