I use your framework for one of our projects, to create several custom planning view.
In one of these view, I need to insert timeline in gantView item, which work perfectly.
However, I do not have control of the size of each row (item) of the ganttView. Indeed, the size of row is calculated based on the content of the left column (TreeColumnDefinition and columnDefinition), but not in the real data (DataTemplate of ganttview). The custom data template have not sized fixed but a size depending of number items attached to the timeline (the timeline present in each item of my GanttView).
I cheat by adding a rectangle in one of my column definition, with the height of this rectangle calculated with the number of item of timeline attached (with a converter).
The number of item depending of user actions in the view.
it seemed to work perfectly, at the beginning the size is standard, the user add an item, the converter launch, the height of the rectangle increase so the row increase like I expected.
But the contrary is not true, when the user delete an item, the rectangle height decrease, but not the row!
There is other solution to manage better the height of the ganttView Item ?
Thanks For your response
Julien Gourdon
PS : Sorry for my english I'm french
I use your framework for one of our projects, to create several custom planning view.
In one of these view, I need to insert timeline in gantView item, which work perfectly.
However, I do not have control of the size of each row (item) of the ganttView. Indeed, the size of row is calculated based on the content of the left column (TreeColumnDefinition and columnDefinition), but not in the real data (DataTemplate of ganttview). The custom data template have not sized fixed but a size depending of number items attached to the timeline (the timeline present in each item of my GanttView).
I cheat by adding a rectangle in one of my column definition, with the height of this rectangle calculated with the number of item of timeline attached (with a converter).
The number of item depending of user actions in the view.
it seemed to work perfectly, at the beginning the size is standard, the user add an item, the converter launch, the height of the rectangle increase so the row increase like I expected.
But the contrary is not true, when the user delete an item, the rectangle height decrease, but not the row!
There is other solution to manage better the height of the ganttView Item ?
Thanks For your response
Julien Gourdon
PS : Sorry for my english I'm french