m stuck while grouping report data by three DB fields like (Firstname,lastname and Phone no).
is there any way to get this?
FYI: -m using Q2 2010 SP1.
-there are total seven DB fields
-need to group by these three fields(as mentioned above).
its quite urgent.please help me ASAP.
Thanks in advance.
12 Answers, 1 is accepted
Check the Product Catalog demo report that shows scenario very similar to your inquiry.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
its using three group section for three fields but i want only one group section for three fields.
like in SQL query
Select firstname,lastname,phoneno,email searchCount
from users
group by firstname,lastname
here the generated data grouped by (firstname+lastname).
i want same scenario on reporting also
please see the attached image file for expected result sample.
# beside this one: i have another query:
is there a way to set the different style for different export format (files like xls,pdf,doc,TIFF,rtf..etc)?
like, i dnt want textcolor and interactive action link(underline) on to be exported files
i just wanna style on to be exported report file as a printer friendly or as per requirement style.
m stuck over it ,please help me .
Arjun Dhungana
You should add three grouping expressions in a single group as shown in the attached screenshot. As for your second question, the answer is no. You should create another report without the styles that would be used for printing.
the Telerik team
indeed, i need the running system as is and this another report just for printing and exporting purpose.
Thank You
Arjun Dhungana
Sr. Software Engineer.
By hiding the report viewer's print button and creating your own UI (e.g. print button), which would use the report without the styles.
the Telerik team
I need NO Scrolls on the reports but page should expand based on data ,now how do i achieve that.
one more query-
can i make Reportviewer 's height dynamic based on data?
Its Urgent -Thanks in advance
Report items can only grow vertically and it is because of the fact that HTML is not page oriented format that makes this invalid when showing the report in the web report viewer. So in this line of thoughts you cannot take the actual dimensions of the report in the HTML rendering, since it grows in both directions without taking into account the Page Settings.
So in short, what you ask for is not possible and even more, such a thing is not good idea in general as if the viewer grew dynamically it would change the entire page layout.
All the best,
the Telerik team
now i have a very urgent query.
is there any way to know that the report is newly generated or navigated back?
i want that flag to prevent sorting session for navigated back report.
very very urgent.
Thank you,
This is not possible as the report address depends strictly on the parameters and it remembers where you came from similar to browsers where even the scroll position is remembered. In this line of thoughts it is not correct to "clear" all that information and navigate to the "base version" of the previous report.
Hope this clears any confusion.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
well,now i have a scenario of interactive sorting.
for ex, i have four coulmns (vin,year, make,model)--its car info
now, i need interactive sorting by any column and interactive action on particular vin( FYI: action on records not on column) for more vehicle details.
please guide me how i can achieve this.
Thanks Admin
I am desperately waiting for your response.
its very urgent ,please guide me .
Check the following forum thread that elaborates on interactive sorting and contains a runnable example. More information on the available interactive actions is available in the following help section: Adding Interactivity to Reports.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team