Hi there,
We're trying to get grouped RadGridView content exported but neither the CSV Export (either via Export() or ToCsv()) nor Excel Export via RadSpreadSheet and XlsxFormatProvider is giving us the grouping we have in the UI.
Specifically we're missing the group headers we can see in the UI -
With the appropriate flag we can have the group footers in the CSV.. but that's not giving us the headings we're looking for (the ones that can be seen in the UI).
How can we export the current grouping to CSV and Excel whilst preserving the grouping headers?
We're trying to get grouped RadGridView content exported but neither the CSV Export (either via Export() or ToCsv()) nor Excel Export via RadSpreadSheet and XlsxFormatProvider is giving us the grouping we have in the UI.
Specifically we're missing the group headers we can see in the UI -
With the appropriate flag we can have the group footers in the CSV.. but that's not giving us the headings we're looking for (the ones that can be seen in the UI).
How can we export the current grouping to CSV and Excel whilst preserving the grouping headers?