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Grouping in subreport

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vijay asked on 09 Dec 2010, 12:54 PM
Hi Terlik ,

I have asked many question in this forum and telerik has solved .

But now i have stuck up with grouping in reporting.

I am not able to understand how to group in report.

I have used my query to get the data everthing works as excepted.

Now i want to group by patient name in report and display to the user.

Can u refer an way how to do grouping.

I have tired all the telerik links but none helped me .

Kinldy provide a good link so that i can understand how grouping works in reports.

It is an SOS situation for me ,please Help.


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Telerik team
answered on 10 Dec 2010, 05:56 PM
Hi vijay,

The Grouping Data section in our help elaborates on this. Review it carefully and you should gain understanding how grouping works.

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