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Group Radio button not functioning proper in Grid

1 Answer 147 Views
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Vinod asked on 26 Dec 2011, 10:32 AM



In my application I am displaying data in grid. I also want a radio button to be inserted in 1 st column. On the selection of that radio button new pop-up screen should appear having details of the selected row.

I am using Telerik:RadGridView to display data . I am able to fetch the data and display.

I am getting around 4000 records fetched, now when i select a radio button and scroll down the selected row is deselected and some other random row gets selected.Sometimes no rows gets selected.


Approach followed:




I have followed following approach using virtualization

Inside my RadGridView i worte






































<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="" Width="35" DataMemberBinding="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}">



























<RadioButton Click="radEditGroup_Click" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Checked="radEditGroup_Checked" IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" x:Name="radEditGroup" GroupName="Groups" />





































In .cs file for Checked ="radEditGroup_Checked" i looped through groups and deselected the radio buttons and displayed last checked button value.







void radEditGroup_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
















if ((sender as RadioButton) != null &&




as RadioButton).DataContext as Groups) != null)





var lobjSelectedGroups = from lobGroup in _Groups




where lobGroup.IsSelected == true









select lobGroup;




if (lobjSelectedGroups != null)





foreach (Groups lobGroup in lobjSelectedGroups)



lobGroup.IsSelected =








this._intGroupID = ((sender as RadioButton).DataContext as Groups).FUNCTION_GRP_ID;




this._intFunctionId = ((sender as RadioButton).DataContext as Groups).Function_Id;




as RadioButton).Checked -= radEditGroup_Checked;




as RadioButton).IsChecked = true;




as RadioButton).Checked += radEditGroup_Checked;






catch (Exception objEx)













Issue facing:


When i am selecting the radio button and scrolling down Checked event gets called and slected row gets deselected.

How can i ensure that the radio button which is checked remain same even when i scoll up and down.

1 Answer, 1 is accepted

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Pavel Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 26 Dec 2011, 05:09 PM
Hello Vinod Sharma,

I am trying to reproduce the problem. However  the pieces of code pasted here are not complete. 
Can you please attach the original files . A runnable project would be also highly appreciated as I could implement a fix for you directly inside and get the updated project back to you.

*To be able to attach a zip with the files you will need to open a support ticket . Please refer this thread Id (496058) in case you do so .

Pavel Pavlov
the Telerik team

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Pavel Pavlov
Telerik team
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