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Group Footer Size in Crosstab Report

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almostEric asked on 23 Jan 2019, 11:44 AM

I have a report with a Crosstab on it. In Group Explorer, there is a single Parent Row group with one child (the details).  

My issue is that I can't seem to control the size of the Group Footer row - Can Grow is set to false (for the row and all text boxes within), yet it always matches the size of the detail section which can be huge. 

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answered on 28 Jan 2019, 07:54 AM
Hi almostEric,

We are already discussing the topic in the support thread you opened on the same issue. I will summarize my suggestions for the benefit of our community also here.
You may set the CanShrink property of the items that need to be hidden when empty/null to True (the default is False). This will allow the Reporting engine to shrink the corresponding TextBoxes with no content and free space for the rest of the report items.
I have attached also a sample report demonstrating the approach. The Report Parameter controls the visibility of both the Total of each group (textBox7 CanShrink is set with Bindings), and the additional TextBox (textBox5 - below the main detail TextBox) within the group.

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