I have a class called RadSpinEditorWithValidation which inherits from GridSpinEditor. It contains additional functionality like range checking, turning the background to a different color if the validation fails etc. I have added the EditorRequired event handler as follows:
private void m_grd_NewDetectors_EditorRequired(object sender, EditorRequiredEventArgs e)
if (e.EditorType == typeof(GridSpinEditor))
e.EditorType = typeof(RadSpinEditorWithValidation);
How do I give the editor instance the min value and max value, among other things? Here it looks like it auto-instantiates an instance from the type (Activator?) I have to be able to access the instance of the editor and feed it some values so it knows what to do.
private void m_grd_NewDetectors_EditorRequired(object sender, EditorRequiredEventArgs e)
if (e.EditorType == typeof(GridSpinEditor))
e.EditorType = typeof(RadSpinEditorWithValidation);
How do I give the editor instance the min value and max value, among other things? Here it looks like it auto-instantiates an instance from the type (Activator?) I have to be able to access the instance of the editor and feed it some values so it knows what to do.