I have followed this post from Telerik documentation to show context menu on the radgrid to choose columns of the grid.
But, as we need to wrap header text, we are using textblock for it like below, due to which header text and the context menu items are not in sync. And so, I have ended up writing code in the radcontextmenu events in the code behind file to manually chose columns etc. Just wondering if there is a xaml way to achieve the same even when header text is placed inside a textblock or am I missing anything here?
I have followed this post from Telerik documentation to show context menu on the radgrid to choose columns of the grid.
But, as we need to wrap header text, we are using textblock for it like below, due to which header text and the context menu items are not in sync. And so, I have ended up writing code in the radcontextmenu events in the code behind file to manually chose columns etc. Just wondering if there is a xaml way to achieve the same even when header text is placed inside a textblock or am I missing anything here?
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding=
"{Binding Balance, StringFormat=N0}"
<TextBlock Text=
"Balance prior deductions"