I'm using the GridView from version 2014 Q1 SP1.
I filled the Grid in Unbound Mode (autogeneratecolumns=false), and added a child hierarchy using Load-On-Demand (ResourceNeeded event).
The Top Level (MasterTemplate) is fully loaded into the Grid in no time, about 8000 records.
Scrolling down using the Scrollbar is fast, and selecting the bottom record is fast as well.
But selecting the last record using GridNavigator.SelectLastRow is very slow (about 10 seconds).
SelectFirstRow afterwards is immediate, SelectLastRow again is still slow at about 10 seconds.
Using DeferRefresh does not change a thing.
How can I speed this (SelectLastRow) up?
I'm using the GridView from version 2014 Q1 SP1.
I filled the Grid in Unbound Mode (autogeneratecolumns=false), and added a child hierarchy using Load-On-Demand (ResourceNeeded event).
The Top Level (MasterTemplate) is fully loaded into the Grid in no time, about 8000 records.
Scrolling down using the Scrollbar is fast, and selecting the bottom record is fast as well.
But selecting the last record using GridNavigator.SelectLastRow is very slow (about 10 seconds).
SelectFirstRow afterwards is immediate, SelectLastRow again is still slow at about 10 seconds.
Using DeferRefresh does not change a thing.
How can I speed this (SelectLastRow) up?