I am a new programmer with Kendo UI on MVC, I have a question to ask supporter.
I am using Kendo Grid call popup window when I edit button click like code below :
I want to get Attach_File_ID in to route value in this line
.Editable(ed => ed.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).Window(w => w.Name("winEdit").Title("My Test").Content("Loading").LoadContentFrom("Edit", "AttachFile", new { id = Attach_File_ID })))
When I enter id number like (1, 2, 3) it is work correct.
How can I get dynamic ID in route value ?
This code below is my controller that I want to do :
Thank advanced,
Sorry For my bad English !
I am a new programmer with Kendo UI on MVC, I have a question to ask supporter.
I am using Kendo Grid call popup window when I edit button click like code below :
.Columns(col =>
col.Bound(p => p.Attach_File_Name).Title("File Name");
col.Bound(p => p.Attach_File_Path).Title("File Path");
col.Bound(p => p.Attach_File_Description).Title("File Description");
col.Command(cmd => cmd.Edit());
//.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())
.Editable(ed => ed.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).Window(w => w.Name("winEdit").Title("My Test").Content("Loading").LoadContentFrom("Edit", "AttachFile", new { id = 1 })))
.DataSource(ds => ds
.Model(m => m.Id(p => p.Attach_File_ID))
.Update("Edit", "AttachFile")
I want to get Attach_File_ID in to route value in this line
.Editable(ed => ed.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).Window(w => w.Name("winEdit").Title("My Test").Content("Loading").LoadContentFrom("Edit", "AttachFile", new { id = Attach_File_ID })))
When I enter id number like (1, 2, 3) it is work correct.
How can I get dynamic ID in route value ?
This code below is my controller that I want to do :
// GET: /tblAttachFiles/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
tblAttachFile tblattachfile = tblattachfileRepository.GetOne(id);
ControllerHelper.filePath = tblattachfile.Attach_File_Path;
return View(tblattachfile);
// POST: /tblAttachFiles/Edit/5
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), Authorize]
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
tblAttachFile tblattachfile = tblattachfileRepository.GetOne(id);
tblattachfile.Attach_File_Path = ControllerHelper.filePath;
ControllerHelper.filePath = "";
tblattachfile.Updated_Date = DateTime.Now;
tblattachfile.Updated_By = User.Identity.Name;
return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = tblattachfile.Attach_File_ID });
return View(tblattachfile);
Thank advanced,
Sorry For my bad English !