Actually the cells have two modes : display and edit.
In display mode cells usually contain TextBlocks and in edit - TextBoxes.
Only one cell at a time can be in edit mode.
I am not sure about your requirement , but if the goal is to have TextBoxes in all cells - there is still a workaround - you can set the CellTemplate property of the column to a custom template of yours, containing a TextBox.
Kind regards,
Pavel Pavlov
the Telerik team
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Is there a way to keep the user's focus inside the cell until the changes are either committed or aborted? A way to not let the user press tab to leave the cell? Could I simply catch the Tab key and ignore it?
When tabbing away my changes are currently committed to the underlying view model (twice actually), but as a side result, all cells become readonly/disabled. Editing is not possible any more, which of course is frustrating to our users.