I want to have TabControl with two TabItems.
First TabItem will contain RadGridView (BROWSE TAB).
Second TabItem will contail UserControl with textboxes for currently selected/added/edited row (DETAIL TAB).
Detail textboxes will be editable only when row is in editable/append state, otherwise will be readonly.
Second TabItem (DETAIL) will contain toolbar with PREV, NEXT, EDIT, DELETE, ADD, COMMIT and CANCEL command, and buttons will be enabled only if needed (no rows - only ADD is enabled etc). Primary way how to change record will be by buttons on detail form ( not keys in the grid).
Result of all operations will be visible in grid (Grid can be read-only if needed). Primary source (ObservableCollection?, CollectionViewSource?) must be controlled by grid too (for example, source must be sorted when header in grid is clicked).
Does exist some example? Or some tip how to integrate RadGridView with this application logic?
Thank you very much.
I want to have TabControl with two TabItems.
First TabItem will contain RadGridView (BROWSE TAB).
Second TabItem will contail UserControl with textboxes for currently selected/added/edited row (DETAIL TAB).
Detail textboxes will be editable only when row is in editable/append state, otherwise will be readonly.
Second TabItem (DETAIL) will contain toolbar with PREV, NEXT, EDIT, DELETE, ADD, COMMIT and CANCEL command, and buttons will be enabled only if needed (no rows - only ADD is enabled etc). Primary way how to change record will be by buttons on detail form ( not keys in the grid).
Result of all operations will be visible in grid (Grid can be read-only if needed). Primary source (ObservableCollection?, CollectionViewSource?) must be controlled by grid too (for example, source must be sorted when header in grid is clicked).
Does exist some example? Or some tip how to integrate RadGridView with this application logic?
Thank you very much.