I've created a Graph with the x-axis of datetimescale type and attached a datatable as the data source.
This works ok, but there's a catch.
The dates I want to show on the x-axis aren't all inclusive, i.e. I have a datatable with just weekday dates shown for the month of January, the weekend dates are removed.
However, the Graph, very "helpfully" has "fixed" that "error" of mine and inserts the weekend dates onto the axis anyway.
How can I suppress this behaviour programmatically? I don't want to show weekend dates on my axis. I only want those dates in the datatable to be shown. I don't want to convert the dates to a string, because when I do, it very "helpfully" shows the full date/time format, so for example 01/01/2013 comes out like "01/01/2013 00:00:00.00000", so it needs to be left as a datetimescale type.
I am not using the report designer to create this Graph. I am creating it programmatically using VB.NET.
I've put the snippet where I create the graph axis below.
I've created a Graph with the x-axis of datetimescale type and attached a datatable as the data source.
This works ok, but there's a catch.
The dates I want to show on the x-axis aren't all inclusive, i.e. I have a datatable with just weekday dates shown for the month of January, the weekend dates are removed.
However, the Graph, very "helpfully" has "fixed" that "error" of mine and inserts the weekend dates onto the axis anyway.
How can I suppress this behaviour programmatically? I don't want to show weekend dates on my axis. I only want those dates in the datatable to be shown. I don't want to convert the dates to a string, because when I do, it very "helpfully" shows the full date/time format, so for example 01/01/2013 comes out like "01/01/2013 00:00:00.00000", so it needs to be left as a datetimescale type.
I am not using the report designer to create this Graph. I am creating it programmatically using VB.NET.
I've put the snippet where I create the graph axis below.
graphaxiscatscale.Name =
graphaxiscatscale.Scale =
graphaxiscatscale.LabelAngle = 90
graphaxiscatscale.LabelFormat =