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Graph - Are Plot Bands possible

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Simon asked on 30 Nov 2013, 03:09 PM
Hi There,

As per title: I have created a Gantt using the new "Graph"  (image attached) and need some way of indicating the current date, either using a vertical line or a coloured area. Is this possible with graph?


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Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 04 Dec 2013, 02:49 PM
Hello Simon,

You have two ways to accomplish this:
  1. The simplest approach is to add an another area series which will use the already created coordinate system and set its X to =Date.Now(), Y0 to the minimum and Y to the maximum of your Y axis.
  2. The slightly more complicated approach is to create a second coordinate system which will use the already created X axis. Its Y axis will be used to mark the current date. To change its placement you need to have two CrossAxisPositions to the X axis. The first one will be used as a standard Y axis with Position = Auto. You have to set the second one programmatically in order to set its value to the current date.
        You can use the following code snippet as an example:
var scale = this.dateTimeAxis.Scale as DateTimeScale;
var crossAxisPosition = new DateTimeScaleCrossAxisPosition()
    Position = GraphScaleCrossAxisPosition.Specific,
    Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).Date

Hope it helps.

Ivan Hristov

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Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
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