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Google Chrome & IE Differences

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loowool asked on 07 Jun 2010, 11:51 AM
Dear Telerik,

We're facing 2 problems that can be reproduced on your demo site:

A. Delete All in Chrome keeps HTML Tags
1) Open the above demo page Using IE (Internet Explorer 8)
2) Select all text found in the memo with Ctrl-A or through the Context menu
3) Press Delete to delete All
4) Click on the HTML view, you'll see NO HTML left
5) Repeat the above in Goggle Chrome (latest version 5.something)
6) Click on the HTML view, you'll see some HTML left:
<div style="text-align: center;"><br /> 
<br /> 

B. New Lines as Paragraphs in Chrome Generates <br /> tags
1) Open the above demo page Using IE (Internet Explorer 8)
2) Select all text found in the memo with Ctrl-A or through the Context menu
3) Press Delete to delete All
4) Click on the Design view
5) Select New Lines as Paragraphs option on the side
4) Type 1 then press Enter 2 times then type 2
5) Click the Html view, you'll see:
6) Now Repeat the above in Goggle Chrome
7) Click on the HTML view, you'll see some HTML left, delete it, so you start with an empty editor
8) Click on the Design view
9) Select New Lines as Paragraphs option on the side
10) Type 1 then press Enter 2 times then type 2
11) Click the Html view, you'll see:
<p><br /> 
The above 2 problems ares causing us some troubles because of the different behaviour between IE and Chrome.

Please advise on how to solve them.

Salah A. Malaeb

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Telerik team
answered on 10 Jun 2010, 07:35 AM
Hi Salah,

Straight to the points:
1) The first problem is Chrome /Safari WebKit related. The editor uses the rich text editor commands such as SelectAll (Ctrl+A) to select the whole content, but in Chrome and Safari this command does not work aleays as expected. You can reproduce the issue using the content from RadEditor in a standard editable IFRAME / DIV element as well as in our competitors' editors.

This problem should be fixed by the WebKit developers.

2) Thank you for reporting this behavior. I logged it in the PITS system with ID 2381 and we will try to fix it for a future version of RadEditor. I also updated your Telerik points for your feedback.

Best regards,
the Telerik team

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