I'm looking at my application and the QSF demos, and am seeing a similar thing happening with RadCarousel. When you scroll into selection the item on either side of a RadCarousel, it correctly looks focused and selected. However, on either end of the RadCarousel, you can scroll beyond the last item. On the Carousel/First Look demo (WPF Q1 2009 SP2), you can scroll three extra notches to the left of "Ann Devon" and three extra notches to the right of "Ana Trujillo." Thus it seems like there are six "ghost items" in the carousel. I'm sure you have noticed this, since it is in the QSF itself. However, I'm wondering, is there any way to disable this in my own RadCarousel (a property or something)? Personally I think it looks a little weird to be able to scroll past either end of the list of items. I'd love it if anybody could help me out getting rid of these ghost items!
Also, there's a bit of a quirk with these ghost items - I'm looking again at the Carousel/First Look example. When an extrememost item is selected (in this case, Ann Devon or Ana Trujillo) by (single or double) clicking on it, scroll out into the ghost items. You now cannot double click the extrememost item to bring that item in front and in focus. Now scroll back and (single/double) click on either Georg Pipps or Christina Berglund to bring them front and center. Now, without clicking on other items (i.e., use the scroll wheel on the mouse or the scroll buttons on the carousel), scroll out to the ghost items (this is, of course, the only way to scroll out into the ghost items, using the mouse or the buttons). You will now be able to double click on one of the extrememost items and zoom back into the regular items list. Sorry if my instructions to replicate this are a little foggy... you may need to scroll as far left or as far right into the ghost items as possible in order to see these effects. However, even if this is a little unclear, it is totally happening every time on my machine and is just a little bit of a bug I think. I hope it's not just me! :)
I'm looking at my application and the QSF demos, and am seeing a similar thing happening with RadCarousel. When you scroll into selection the item on either side of a RadCarousel, it correctly looks focused and selected. However, on either end of the RadCarousel, you can scroll beyond the last item. On the Carousel/First Look demo (WPF Q1 2009 SP2), you can scroll three extra notches to the left of "Ann Devon" and three extra notches to the right of "Ana Trujillo." Thus it seems like there are six "ghost items" in the carousel. I'm sure you have noticed this, since it is in the QSF itself. However, I'm wondering, is there any way to disable this in my own RadCarousel (a property or something)? Personally I think it looks a little weird to be able to scroll past either end of the list of items. I'd love it if anybody could help me out getting rid of these ghost items!
Also, there's a bit of a quirk with these ghost items - I'm looking again at the Carousel/First Look example. When an extrememost item is selected (in this case, Ann Devon or Ana Trujillo) by (single or double) clicking on it, scroll out into the ghost items. You now cannot double click the extrememost item to bring that item in front and in focus. Now scroll back and (single/double) click on either Georg Pipps or Christina Berglund to bring them front and center. Now, without clicking on other items (i.e., use the scroll wheel on the mouse or the scroll buttons on the carousel), scroll out to the ghost items (this is, of course, the only way to scroll out into the ghost items, using the mouse or the buttons). You will now be able to double click on one of the extrememost items and zoom back into the regular items list. Sorry if my instructions to replicate this are a little foggy... you may need to scroll as far left or as far right into the ghost items as possible in order to see these effects. However, even if this is a little unclear, it is totally happening every time on my machine and is just a little bit of a bug I think. I hope it's not just me! :)