I want to change the Data Source value of a RadDropDownListEditor instance contained by a GridView cell. I want to have that instance by getting the cell element from the RadGridView object with the cell's column and row indexes.
What I'm trying to achieve is to set, dynamically, every Data Source value for every cell of my grid. So, I'm iterate trough my rows and try to set the Data Source value.
How can I get the RadDropDownListEditor instance of a specified cell?
I want to change the Data Source value of a RadDropDownListEditor instance contained by a GridView cell. I want to have that instance by getting the cell element from the RadGridView object with the cell's column and row indexes.
What I'm trying to achieve is to set, dynamically, every Data Source value for every cell of my grid. So, I'm iterate trough my rows and try to set the Data Source value.
How can I get the RadDropDownListEditor instance of a specified cell?