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GenericVista.xaml not found

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David asked on 27 Sep 2010, 05:33 PM
I am in the process of evaluating the Telerik controls and have moved to trying to use them in our actual project.  However, I cannot get a design time experience for any Rad control in Blend.  I get an error in the results panel that reads: Cannot locate resource 'themes\genericvista.xaml'.  I can create a standard out-of-the-box project and it works ok.  Our project is a bit different.  Here is the setup to hopefully find a solution:

VS2010, Blend 4, .Net 3.5
Telerik 2010.1.422.35

Our WPF exe project is separate from where we design.  We have a Shell.exe project and it references our "Views.dll" project where all of the design takes place. Our shell project builds to a non-default location.  It builds to ..\bin\Debug instead of bin\debug.  We have also changed all project to have a build target platform of x86 instead of Any CPU.  (Just pointing this out because you never know what might help get an answer).

My next step is to create an out of the box solution - get it to work with Telerik - and then step by step mirror what we are doing in our project.  If I get the same error then I will have a solution I can upload it here.   I am hoping someone can read this and help me with a solution before I go through all of that :)


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Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2010, 07:21 AM
Hello David,

 This is not our latest version. It will be better to start with our just released 2010.2 924 (Q2 2010 SP2). 

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