Is there any way to achieve a full-height PanelBar with per-group scrolling? Specifically, what I'd like to achieve is to have the space available to the PanelBar be predefined. When the PanelBar starts all the items should be collapsed at the top (as usual). When you open an item, the content space should expand to fill up the entire allocated space, not just what's needed for the content. The other titles should end up at the bottom of the allocated space below the new content. If the content is to large for the space, then a scroll bar should be added inside the content area (not outside over the whole PanelBar - otherwise you have to scroll to get to the other PanelBar headings).
I'm looking for the exact same behavior as in this example for the ASP.NET Ajax PanelBar:
Is this possible with the Kendo PanelBar?
I'm looking for the exact same behavior as in this example for the ASP.NET Ajax PanelBar:
Is this possible with the Kendo PanelBar?