hello, i hope someone can help me with this problem.
I have a mvc web app that has an edmx connection setup. i added a class library to run the reports and created a new edmx in that class library.
i am trying to setup a simple test report using the new HTML5 viewer.
I setup entity framework using your articles which seemed to work.
I am getting the dreaded 'Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0.' error and although i have copied the connection string from my reports project app.config to the main application web.config, i still get this error when trying to view the report through the application. The report is visible using the preview mode in the visual studio.
The report only has one table on it which was setup using the table wizard.
my connection strings in the web.config:
The 2nd one(TargetZeroReportEntities) is used for the reporting project and was copied exactly as is from that project.
the report is very simple:
this.DataSource = entityDataSource1;
this.table1.DataSource = entityDataSource1;
any suggestions to resolve this error?
EDIT: this has nothing to do with the table on the report. I tried deleting that and i still get the same error.
EDIT2: i have also gone through this article on setting up the datasource manually for production but it did not resolve this issue.
I have a mvc web app that has an edmx connection setup. i added a class library to run the reports and created a new edmx in that class library.
i am trying to setup a simple test report using the new HTML5 viewer.
I setup entity framework using your articles which seemed to work.
I am getting the dreaded 'Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0.' error and although i have copied the connection string from my reports project app.config to the main application web.config, i still get this error when trying to view the report through the application. The report is visible using the preview mode in the visual studio.
The report only has one table on it which was setup using the table wizard.
my connection strings in the web.config:
"metadata=res://*/TargetZero.csdl|res://*/TargetZero.ssdl|res://*/TargetZero.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=uldev02\sql2008;initial catalog=TargetZero;persist security info=True;user id=TargetZeroDev;password=TargetZeroDev1@;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework""
"metadata=res://*/ReportingContext.csdl|res://*/ReportingContext.ssdl|res://*/ReportingContext.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=uldev02\sql2008;initial catalog=TargetZero;persist security info=True;user id=TargetZeroDev;password=TargetZeroDev1@;multipleactiveresultsets=True;application name=EntityFramework""
the report is very simple:
this.DataSource = entityDataSource1;
this.table1.DataSource = entityDataSource1;
any suggestions to resolve this error?
EDIT: this has nothing to do with the table on the report. I tried deleting that and i still get the same error.
EDIT2: i have also gone through this article on setting up the datasource manually for production but it did not resolve this issue.