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Footer image increases file size dramatically

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Jon asked on 23 Jul 2010, 12:48 PM

I have a very small image of about 3K in size.  When I add it to a picture box in the footer of a page it seems that the report size (PDF) ramps up very quickly.  I am assuming that a copy of the image is stored on each and every page in the PDF.  Is there a way around this (other than not including the image).



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Telerik team
answered on 27 Jul 2010, 01:47 PM
Hi Jon,

Actually we're doing some "magic" to avoid the very behavior you describe for quite some time now. You can find more info in the following blog post: Image caching in PDF. I've just made the simplest test there can be - unbound report with page footer that renders several pages. The image used is ~23 Kb and you can notice that decreasing the rendered pages does not decrease the PDF size with 23 Kb and vice versa.
Please provide more info about your scenario and/or modify the sample report to replicate the problem if feasible.

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answered on 27 Jul 2010, 02:09 PM
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info and that certainly is a magic way around the issue.  Great that the speed impact is reversed by the speed up elsewhere! 

I've checked over and on redoing this it works fine now so I'm completely confused.  I'm wondering if I'd done something else with the image to cause the growth.  One thing I had done was to use quite a few reports within a report book.  I am assuming that it would be repeated in this scenario but even still it wasn't enough to cause the growth that I saw.

I'll let you know if I find out what caused it.


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