I have some controls which contains each a raddocking.
I navigate to each other, then i save docking states on unload controls and reload layout on load controls.
When i save, floatting panel, after the relaoding, the window (toolwindow that contains pane) is no more topmost.
(the only pane that works as excpected is the one this is in a RadSplitContainer where InitialPosition is "FloatingOnly".
I have some controls which contains each a raddocking.
I navigate to each other, then i save docking states on unload controls and reload layout on load controls.
When i save, floatting panel, after the relaoding, the window (toolwindow that contains pane) is no more topmost.
(the only pane that works as excpected is the one this is in a RadSplitContainer where InitialPosition is "FloatingOnly".