I have a RadDocking with tabbed documenthost.
If I have only one tab in DocumentHost and I dragged it, the content of the floating window is empty, when I dock again the tab the content is correctly restored.
If I have many tabs in DocumentHost and I dragged one, the content is correctly displayed.
I attached two images that explain the two cases
With 2 or more tabs (correct):
With only one tab (empty) (the content of the second panel should be the same of first image)
Furthermore, in both cases the header is missing.
Thank you
I have tested this in the Docking examples of the WPF Demos application, but couldn't recreate the issue. Can you share some code showing your setup and how the content of the pane is assigned?
If you rely on a binding, you may need to explicitly assign the DataContext of the RadPane element.
<telerik:RadPane DataContext="{Binding}" />