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Fix number of columns in Crosstab

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L asked on 07 Feb 2014, 12:47 PM

is it possible to have a fix number of columns display in a crosstab?

I want to display 5 columns regardless of how many dates I have.

For example, our business day starts on Monday ends on Friday.

Lets presume, there are 20 business days per month and Monday is on 1st of February.

and today date is 10th February, my crosstab report would have 2 pages of 5 columns each

The first page would display 5 columns from 1st to 5th February, and the second page would display 8th to 10th February and 2 empty columns.

Is it possible? Thanks a lot

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answered on 12 Feb 2014, 08:43 AM
Hello L,

Instead of Crosstab, you can use a Table item, which has a fixed number of columns.
You may also need to reorganize your data in a way that allows a single data row to contain data for five days. This will allow you to place the Table item in the detail section and use an expression to feed the Table with data from the current data row. Then you can set the PageBreak property of the detail section as required so each Table can start in a new page.


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answered on 23 Aug 2019, 06:33 AM

tnx Nasko's


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