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First attempt to use Telerik Reporting

1 Answer 38 Views
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Gary Davis
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Rank 2
Gary Davis asked on 31 Jul 2013, 09:06 PM
Based on your email about the new EF support, I am evaluating Telerik Reporting tool Q2 2013.1 Trial version.

I created a Web Form project. Added an EF model and then added the reporting item. I am going thru the wizard and thought I got hung up (see attachment) but eventually it did advance after several attempts. When I clicked on the entityDataSource1 and Finish button, it was busy for a minute and then stopped being busy and re-enabled the Finish button. It eventually did advance to the next page.

Does it look like I am on the right track? I will have to check for some demos/tutorials.

Gary Davis

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Aug 2013, 10:15 AM
Hello Gary,

Since you are seeing the properties of your class this means that the context has been found and resolved correctly. In case you are not using Code First for design time purposes you will have to add a constructor that has a string parameter and passes its value to the base constructor. For more information please check this blog post, the Entity Framework section.

In case you need further help please do not hesitate to contact us.


Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q2 2013? You can get them from your account.

General Discussions
Asked by
Gary Davis
Top achievements
Rank 2
Answers by
Telerik team
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