I am using Telerik Reporting Q3 2010 to export Telerik Reports into PDFs. Since the new update of Firefox to include their own PDF viewer all PDFs created by the Telerik Export is resulting of a black screen in Firefox. Every other PDFs I try to open that are not created by Telerik are opening fine in the browser.
Here is the code I am using :
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", myReport, null);
string path = savePath + reportName + ".pdf";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
fs.Write(result.DocumentBytes, 0, result.DocumentBytes.Length);
Attached is the result in Firefox.
Is the new version of Telerik creating PDF that are readable by Firefox? I tried downloading the demo and using the upgrade wizard but the upgrade wizard is not upgrading anything, or almost nothing. I get 150+ errors like cannot convert group[] to ... or cannot convert filter[] to ... And they are all in the designer files that are generated by Telerik. So not a solution at all since I have a tons of reports.
Any kind of help would be fine, I need those PDFs to display in Firefox.
Edit, forgot to attach the image
I am using Telerik Reporting Q3 2010 to export Telerik Reports into PDFs. Since the new update of Firefox to include their own PDF viewer all PDFs created by the Telerik Export is resulting of a black screen in Firefox. Every other PDFs I try to open that are not created by Telerik are opening fine in the browser.
Here is the code I am using :
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", myReport, null);
string path = savePath + reportName + ".pdf";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
fs.Write(result.DocumentBytes, 0, result.DocumentBytes.Length);
Attached is the result in Firefox.
Is the new version of Telerik creating PDF that are readable by Firefox? I tried downloading the demo and using the upgrade wizard but the upgrade wizard is not upgrading anything, or almost nothing. I get 150+ errors like cannot convert group[] to ... or cannot convert filter[] to ... And they are all in the designer files that are generated by Telerik. So not a solution at all since I have a tons of reports.
Any kind of help would be fine, I need those PDFs to display in Firefox.
Edit, forgot to attach the image