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Geert asked on 22 Dec 2011, 09:25 AM

I use the treeview of version 2011 Q1.

I use the automatic databound method to populate the nodes. The source is a dataset with a child/parent structure.
I want to keep this way of processing because it's very fast. When I populate my treeview manually the process time very slow.

This is my code:

treeModules.DataMember = "treeNode";
treeModules.DisplayMember = "label";
treeModules.ValueMember = "id";
treeModules.ParentIDMember = "parent";
treeModules.DataSource = dsModuleXml;

Now I want to find a specific node by the tag property. This is not possible, because the function Find searches by name. Why is the name property empty when I use the automatic method?

Can anyone help me, thanks!

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answered on 26 Dec 2011, 03:43 PM
Hello Geert,

Thank you for writing.

You can find the requested information in the following help article:

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I hope that you find this information helpful. 
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