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Find and display page numbers for detail items

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Dermott Renner
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Dermott Renner asked on 09 Oct 2018, 10:41 PM
We have a telerik report that will be exported in pdf format.

As part of the report, there is a group section that shows a “summary” of the items the group, later followed by more detailed information in the detail section.  The “summary” is on the group header, and is currently using a sub report to show some data.

As part of the summary, we want do show page numbers for the items in the detail section so the user can reference it.

I note we already have a table of contents in the report header that does this, but the client’s requirements also need the page number in the “summary” section on the page header.

Additionally, the items in the detail section of the parent report already have bookmarkId values assigned, and the summary sub report already has text that has a “Navigate to Bookmark” action in place that points to the bookmarkId on the parent report and this works when clicking on it. 

Basically we just need a way to pick up the actual page number to display.

Is there a way of doing this (e.g. pick up the page number where a bookmarkId is located)?

Thank you

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Telerik team
answered on 12 Oct 2018, 11:09 AM
Hello Dermott,

The Page Number and all Paging-related information is accessible only from the Page sections - i.e. Page Header and Page Footer. This is by design and is due to the fact that the paging of a report strongly depends on the format it is rendered - check Report Structure and Report Life Cycle articles.

It is not possible to access the Page Functions outside the Page sections, hence the page number where a bookmarkId is located cannot be accessed in a Group or Detail section.

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Dermott Renner
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answered on 14 Oct 2018, 08:50 PM
Thanks for that.  If I then move the "section" I need into a page header for example, is it then possible to pick up the page number where a bookmarkId is located?  How would I do this?
Telerik team
answered on 17 Oct 2018, 03:57 PM
Hello Dermott,

In the Page sections one can use only aggregated data. Page function can take only aggregate functions as arguments, hence it is not possible to provide a Field by which to evaluate the Page function - it will fall back to the aggregate function First.
Note also that data items (like Tables, Lists, SubReports, etc.) cannot be placed in Page section.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to get the page number where the item with a certain BookmarkId is located. 

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answered on 19 Jun 2019, 11:14 PM

I am trying to do something similar to this, but am sort of in an "in-between" state.

One option is to do something similar to what Dermott has stated, where I want to pick up the page numbers for the detail items.

The closest I can come to getting this functionality is via a table of contents, which displays the group name and the page number that the group starts on.  The problem is I need the "table of contents" to show in a tabular form with other fields as well (for example, 3-5 fields for the group and the page number).  Is there a way to do this?

Basically I want a section on the report shown only once (at the top of the report) that will show the group name and a few other fields and the page number that group starts on.  Unfortunately I cannot "concatenate" the fields I want into the "group name" as I want them to show in specific fixed column widths for each field.

Then the detail would show as normal (per group) which has all the other fields.


Thank you


Telerik team
answered on 24 Jun 2019, 01:13 PM
Hi Rem,

The TOC can be structured and styled as explained in the Table of Contents set of articles. Note that the TocText property can be set with an Expression, where to provide data field values. It is not possible to change the overall appearance of the TOC though, e.g. to add other information beside or below the page number. I'm afraid the described scenario is really custom and our Reporting tool does not cover it.

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Dermott Renner
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Dermott Renner
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