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Filters on dynamic colmum

2 Answers 131 Views
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JC asked on 11 Mar 2020, 02:31 PM


I have a Grid with dynamic object on DataSource with AutoGeneratedColumns.

When I open a filter on any column, i only have 4 options : "equals / not equals / null / not null"

How can I activate "contains" when my colum is string ?

To reproduce, you can test on 'BindingToDynamicObject' project on sdk (

Thanks for your help

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2020, 02:25 PM

Hello JC,

The operators available for each column are generated  based on its data type. The filtering treats the dynamic fields (like in the BindingToDynamicObject SDK example) as  System.Object elements. The System.Object data type support only 4 operators - for equality and for null values. To change this, you can explicitly set the DataType property of the columns. For automatically created columns, you can do that with the AutoGeneratingColumn event.

private void RadGridView_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridViewAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
	var column = (GridViewDataColumn)e.Column;
      // based on the current column, set the DataType property
	column.DataType = typeof(string);

Martin Ivanov
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answered on 17 Mar 2020, 02:13 PM
Thanks a lot, it works fine
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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